The Agile Security Team: The Setup
İrfan Simsar
In my previous post I covered reason and discovery of agile.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I moved to Nashville and started working with a development team. I quickly discovered that my Outlook task list wasn’t up to the task of (heyo!) tracking all the work I needed to do. I decided as part of my research and understanding of agile that I would setup a kanban board. I made a To Do, In Progress, Holding, and Done column. Three plus years later and I still have the same setup with different approaches for each area.
The framework
This being the genesis was simple. Create tickets and stick them in the To Do column. I didn’t really have a backlog because I was the only one doing them and I decided not to do sprints. Sprints are a defined period of time in which to complete work. Usually this is one to four weeks long. Meetings are setup to set what work would be done during this time. Shorter time frames help protect teams from shifting priorities. You want something new? Next sprint.
With the way security is we can’t really do that. I can’t tell my boss we’ll respond to an incident or research the latest vulnerability in the next sprint. It just doesn’t work. So, sprints are out and I decided to have work flow from left to right, with the exception of holding which tasks could be moved in and out of. We’ll get to that in a few sentences. In Progress seems fairly self explanatory. It’s what I’m working on. Ideally there’s one thing. At times I’ve had up to 12 things in the In Progress column. Again, being in security things tend to pop-up and sometimes tasks can take weeks at a time.
The Holding column is for when I have tasks that are waiting on another team. Once that team responds I move the task back to in progress or done. Done is done. The task is completed.
Application Security
The application security board has morphed over the years. It used to be my task board. Now it’s just my appsec board as I’ve taken on other responsibilities. Epic’s is not something I’ve talked about yet. Those are used for categorization. They’re very helpful in showing what people are working on from a metrics standpoint (another post). For AppSec I have multiple teams and areas, so I have Epic’s broken out as team categorization.
Pointing is something we’ll talk about in a future metrics post. It allows us to gather effort level for workload. It’s typically used for planning sprints. I use it for monthly and yearly metrics. I don’t point on the appsec board because I’m the only one working it and I use maturity models for measuring appsec programs.
I grab a task from the backlog and move it to in progress. Then if I’m waiting on something from another team it goes in holding, otherwise it’s moved to done. Simple, which is how I like it.
Security Engineers
Engineering has a lot of the work coming in from service desk requests, to projects, to random stuff that pops up. We follow the same flow. I expect people to have multiple things in progress regularly. We’ve integrated our kanban board with our ticketing system. When a ticket is put in our queue in the ticketing system it creates a ticket in the to do list. I or the team lead reviews it and if it needs to be worked by us we move it to the top of the priority list.
Tickets are in priority order in the To Do column. When new tickets are created I move them into the area I want them worked based on priority. The engineers once complete with a task will grab a new one from the top of the queue. They work it move it holding or done. Then they point the ticket for effort level. This is where I’m able to get monthly reports on how much work we’ve gotten done. Again, a future post to go more in-depth.
Security Assurance
The pentesters are the opposite of the engineers. They usually only have one or two tasks. We point tickets before they are worked, because we can plan out their work more and funnel the pentest requests that come in. When you point doesn’t really matter. As long as you do it one way or the other. Either before or after. If you mix them it doesn’t provide a good reflection of effort level.
Next time
Metrics and effort.