
Columbia's Information Security Group

A free and informal gathering of information security professionals and enthusiasts in Columbia, South Carolina at the Richland County Public Library on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM (click on the YouTube bubble).

Founded 2014 (COVID can’t stop us)

Image credit: Zach Pippin

Upcoming Presentation: Stopping the Bleeding: 10 Steps to turn your SOC Around

Where: USC/Columbia Technology Incubator and streaming on YouTube

When: Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 at 6:30pm

Title: Stopping the Bleeding: 10 Steps to turn your SOC Around

Who: David Burkett
Lotus Notes administrator for a Fortune 50 organization

Synopsis: David has built multiple Security Operations Centers and has consulted for multiple large organization's on building out SOC processes and capabilities. This talk is designed for those that either may be currently in the process of building a SOC out or for someone that may have taken over a SOC recently and found that everything is on fire.