June 21st Meetup
image lifted from https://twitter.com/lockFALE
Our next meetup is this Tuesday, June 21st at 6:00 PM at the USC/Columbia Technology Incubator. Details (http://www.colasec.org/how-to-find-us/)
Our agenda includes our “normal” intro plus some intel on SANS SEC501: Advanced Security Essentials –Enterprise Defender from Corey. Josh went to Myrtle Beach to the Techno Security & Forensic Investigation Conference plus got smoked at NetWars competition. After the intro we have the lock sport group LockFALE from North Carolina joining us and putting on a lockpick village. If you have interest in learning lock picking or want to hone your skills on some cool practice gear, join us Tuesday.
FALE — FALE Association of Locksport Enthusiasts
FALE came together around a common idea of general curiosity and persuasion of the public’s “right to know”. Formally founded in early 2010, the individuals involved in the initial organization already had a history in and love for the practice of locksport and of having a better understanding of the mechanisms we rely on so heavily to keep us secure. Beginning with four members meeting monthly, we have quickly progressed to bi-monthly meetings attended by 15 or more individuals. We talk locks, picks, general security and a smattering of other topics when meeting all towards the end of a better knowledge of and ability to communicate the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of so many security measures in place in current society. We hope that through these conversations and our efforts publicly we will help to educate the larger community on the proper use and understanding of locks and security measures encountered daily.
FALE will be hosting a Lockpick Village where folks can come by to talk about physical security, learn to pick locks or talk about advanced picking techniques and tips. Plenty of locks and spare picks to play with, so be sure to stop by!